Harness & Belts

Introduction of Full Body Harness & Belts

A full body harness is a body holding device used to protect workers from falls by distributing the force of the fall over a large area of the body, ensuring that the subject of the fall remains suspended in an upright position after the fall has occurred. It is designed to minimize the risk of injuries caused by the suspension.

A full-body harness is the single most important equipment choice you can make for your crew. Safety harnesses provide comfort and confidence and directly affect the user's productivity. ABRIGO harnesses are thoughtfully designed to provide comfort, freedom of movement, ease-of-use, lumbar support, positioning rings, and tool carrying options. While many ABRIGO safety harnesses can be used on most jobs, we also manufacture innovative full-body harnesses for specific uses within different industries and you can rest assured that all ABRIGO harnesses meet all applicable standards and regulations.

How to wear a full body harness

  1. In the construction industry, working at heights is a standard part of the job. But with increased height also comes an increased risk of falling.
  2. Slip the harness over your shoulders like a vest.
  3. Make sure the D-ring is in the middle of your back, directly between your shoulder blades.
  4. Pull each leg strap up and fasten the buckles together.
  5. Stand up straight and adjust the length of the side body straps as needed to make sure there is no slack.
  6. Fasten the chest strap about mid-chest high.
  7. Adjust the chest strap as necessary to remove any slack.
  8. Make sure the shoulder straps and leg straps are snugs, while still allowing full range of motion.
  9. Eliminate any excess slack by tightening the straps in the buckle.
  10. Make sure the loose ends of the straps are tucked into the strap retainers.
  11. With your handheld flat, you should be able to fit your fingers underneath your leg straps.